Sunday, September 18, 2011

Family History

Do you ever wonder sometimes where you came from? I mean, who your ancestors were? Some of you may be lucky enough to already know the answers to these questions. I've never really thought much about genealogy and have certainly never done any research to find out who my relatives are. Yeah, I'm just lazy like that, I guess!

Yesterday, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to find out a little bit about my family history. I have a great aunt who lives in Danville, Virginia. I have only met this lovely lady once before and that was over ten years ago. She recently contacted my mother and wanted us to come visit with her again. She didn't know that my Mom is now living in Arkansas and wouldn't be able to drive up to see her. So she contacted my uncle (Mom's brother) who lives in the same town as I do and asked him if he would drive up to see her. He was excited to do so and he called me and asked if Scott and I would like to go too! I jumped at the chance! So we all took off early yesterday morning and drove the three plus hours to visit Aunt Kat at her home.

Aunt Kat is a genius at genealogy! She has tons of information on our family tree and I spent a good portion of our visit yesterday just pouring through books of old family photos and records. She gave me this picture of my great, great grandparents on my mother's maternal side of the family. I believe it was taken in the 1920's or early 1930's.

She also gave me this wonderful picture of my beautiful mother. Mom is about 13 years old in this picture. I am amazed at how much she and I look alike! Everyone is always telling me that we favor one another, but I didn't realize how much until I saw some of these pictures!

She also had a picture of my great, great, great, great grandfather taken sometime in the 1800's! Unfortunately, she only has one copy of that photograph right now so I didn't get to bring one home with me. But it was awesome to see it! She is in the process of getting everything transferred to discs so that all the family members that want a copy can get one.

I was so glad that I thought to take my camera with me. I just had to have a pic made with this wonderful lady. She turned 79 years old this year.

We had such a nice visit yesterday and I cannot wait to go back!

Until next time. . .


  1. What a lovely 'find' for you Donna. I know that you had to thoroughly enjoy your visit & all the history you learned. Love the pics. & are full of data you may utilize to go further forth in your search.

    Yes, we searched for 30+ years & just put it all on a disc for the family this last Christmas. They loved it.
    You have to capture the stories & tidbits, or they will be lost forever ... I loved the search & treasure every piece of paper & photo.

    Have a lovely week.
    TTFN ~

  2. I hope you continue to delve into your family history, its fascinating...I've traced mine back to the 1500s in some is very helpful....happy hunting!

  3. Hi Donna, what a sweet post! I'm so glad you enjoyed your visit.

    Enjoy your day,

  4. Old pictures fascinate me especially when they are from family. My niece traced our family back
    about 5 generations. It is so interesting. I enjoyed your blog.
